Just happened right in front of me here at GRR (Grand Rapids Airport). Interesting. Actually, not interesting. Maddening is more like it.
Me: Um, there’s a guy that just walked up the “exit only” area.
TSA Agent: I wouldn’t worry about it. Probably just one of us.
Me: No, he had a bag. He’s a traveler. Turn around – he’s right THERE.
TSA Agent: Don’t worry about it.
Me: WTF?
After I got through security, I walked the terminal, and found the guy. He was sitting with his bag at a window, waiting for his flight. No sense in telling the TSA – they have already showed that they could not care less.
At least it’s Thursday!
[…] I mentioned my problem with the TSA here at the GRR airport before, and how they allowed a security breach to occur, but did nothing about it. So you can imagine that if they don’t take their job seriously, I can’t take them […]